Setting up K3s

- 8 mins read

Author: See Hiong

K3S is a lightweight and easy-to-install Kubernetes distribution, making it an ideal choice for running a Kubernetes cluster in your home lab. In this blog post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up K3s on an Ubuntu Server 22.04.2 LTS.

1 Setting up K3S

1.1 Installing Ubuntu Server 22.04.2 LTS

To start, we’ll install Ubuntu server 22.04.2 LTS on our laptop. You can verify the Linux distribution using the following command:

lsb_release -a


1.2 Installing K3S

The next step is to install K3s. K3s can be easily installed with a single command:

curl -sfL | sh -

If you see these info, you may install with these commands:

# [INFO]  Host iptables-save/iptables-restore tools not found
# [INFO]  Host ip6tables-save/ip6tables-restore tools not found

sudo apt-get install iptables
sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent


Install worker nodes

After the k3s setup is completed, you may obtain token with:

mynodetoken=$(sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token)

# Sample format: K10e848701b18977c63d7abfce920cf66c0f19bdd18a40862b2e7a14b89c4eb2742::server:ac92f2b7ccebbb46bf241bdaea3c99bf
echo $mynodetoken

From the client node, execute this command (with k3s server IP and mynodetoken):

curl -sfL | K3S_URL= K3S_TOKEN=K10e848701b18977c63d7abfce920cf66c0f19bdd18a40862b2e7a14b89c4eb2742::server:ac92f2b7ccebbb46bf241bdaea3c99bf sh -

1.3 Creating Useful Aliases

To simplify interactions with K3s, we’ll set up some convenient aliases. Open the bash configuration file:

vi ~/.bashrc

Add the following aliases to the file:

alias kc='sudo kubectl'
alias kca='kc apply -f'

Save and apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc

1.4 Verifying the Installation

Congratulations! Your K3s cluster is up and running. You can verify its status with kc get nodes:


2 Setting up Portainer

In addition to K3s, we will use Portainer, an efficient and user-friendly Docker and Kubernetes management system, to streamline the management of our home lab. Portainer is a lightweight, free, and open-source tool that will help us keep our containerized applications in check.

2.1 Create the Portainer Folder

First, let’s create a directory named portainer and navigate into it:

mkdir portainer
cd portainer

2.2 Download and Deploy Portainer to K3s Cluster

Next, we’ll download the latest YAML file for Portainer and save it as deploy.yaml:

wget -O deploy.yaml

Now, let’s deploy Portainer to our K3s cluster:

kca deploy.yaml

You can check the status of the deployment using the following command:

kc get svc portainer -n portainer


The above output shows that Portainer is running on an arbitrary port, in this case, 30777 at hostname alien. Access the Portainer UI using the following URL:


Please access it before the instance timed out; otherwise, you will need to restart the service:

# Get the portainer node
kc get po -A

# Delete the pod in portainer namespace by its specific name
kc delete po -n portainer portainer-696988fd4-fzh24


2.3 Add Kubernetes Environment to Portainer

Proceed to the Quick Setup Page on the Portainer UI and click on “Add Environment.”


Next, select the Kubernetes option:


Execute the following command to configure the agent:

wget -O agent-lb.yaml
kca agent-lb.yaml

To ensure the agent is running correctly, you can use the following command:

kc get po -n portainer

And to get the node port:

kc get svc -n portainer


2.4 Connect Portainer to K3s Cluster

Enter the name and environment address in Portainer and click on “Connect”:


Congratulations! You have successfully connected Portainer to your K3s cluster:


3 Setting up Local Registry

We will now set up a local Docker registry on our K3s cluster. A local registry allows us to efficiently manage container images and streamline the deployment process within our home lab environment.

3.1 Install Docker on the K3s Cluster

First, we need to install Docker on the K3s cluster. Run the following commands to install Docker and add the user pi to the docker group for easy management:

sudo apt install
sudo usermod -aG docker pi

3.2 Configure Docker for the Local Registry

Next, we will configure Docker to use our local registry. Open the Docker daemon configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json

Copy and paste the following content into daemon.json:

  "insecure-registries": [

Save and close the file. Now, edit the Docker default configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/default/docker

Add the following line to set the Docker options:


Afterward, restart Docker to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart docker

3.3 Create the Registry Namespace and Deployment

Now, let’s create the necessary resources for the local registry on the K3s cluster. First, create the registry namespace:

kc create namespace registry

Next, create the deployment manifest for the registry:

mkdir ~/registry
cd ~/registry
vi deploy.yaml

In the deploy.yaml file, add the following content to deploy the registry:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: registry
  namespace: registry
  replicas: 1
      app: registry
        app: registry
        name: registry
      - name: registry
        image: registry:2
        - containerPort: 5000
        - name: registry-store
          mountPath: /var/lib/registry
          subPath: registry
        - name: registry-store
            path: /var/lib/registry-store

To deploy the registry, simply run the following command:

kca deploy.yaml

3.4 Create the Service to Expose Port 5000

Now, let’s create the service to expose port 5000 for the local registry:

vi svc.yaml

Add the following content to the svc.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: registry-svc
  namespace: registry
    app: registry
  type: NodePort
    - name: docker-port
      protocol: TCP
      port: 5000
      targetPort: 5000
      nodePort: 30500

To deploy the service, run the following command:

kca svc.yaml

3.5 Create Docker Registry Credentials

To allow the K3s cluster to pull images from the local registry, we need to create Docker registry credentials with the llm namespace defined:

kc create ns llm
kc create secret docker-registry regcred \
  --docker-server= \
  --docker-username=[YOUR DOCKER USERNAME] \
  --docker-password=[YOUR DOCKER PASSWORD] \
  --docker-email=[YOUR EMAIL] \
  -n llm

Verify the secret:

kc get secret regcred --output=yaml -n llm

3.6 Configure K3s to Use the Local Registry

Create the registries.yaml file to configure K3s to use the local registry:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s
sudo vi /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml

Add the following content to the file:

      - ""

Finally, restart K3s and K3s agent to apply the changes:

# Creates the specified hostPath
sudo mkdir /var/lib/registry-store

systemctl restart k3s

# Restarts if you have any agents installed
systemctl restart k3s-agent

Congratulations! You have now successfully set up a local registry for your K3s home lab!


If you skip this step either for the master or work node, you might see similar errors:

Failed to pull image "[YOUR_IMAGE]": failed to pull and unpack image "[YOUR-IMAGE]": failed to resolve reference >"[YOUR-IMAGE]": failed to do request: Head "": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Optional - Pushing an Image to the K3s cluster

In this optional section, we will learn how to push a Docker image from our local machine to the K3s cluster’s local registry, allowing us to deploy the image in the Kubernetes environment.

Step 1: Configure Docker Engine for the K3s Cluster

Before pushing the image to the K3s cluster, ensure that our Docker Desktop for Windows is configured to allow insecure registry access to our local registry. To do this, open the Docker Desktop settings on your local machine and add the IP address of your K3s cluster and the port (30500) to the list of insecure registries:

  "insecure-registries": [


Step 2: Tag and Push the Docker Image

From our [previous post](%< ref “/archives/2023/unleashing-the-power-of-llama-server-in-docker-container” %}}), verify that the available Docker image exists on your local machine:

docker image ls

Next, tag the Docker image with the address of your K3s cluster’s local registry:

docker tag fastapi:latest

Now, push the tagged image to the local registry:

docker push

Step 3: Deploy the Image in K3s

With the image successfully pushed to the local registry, you can now deploy it in your K3s cluster. Create a Kubernetes deployment manifest, for example, llm-server.yaml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: llm-server
  namespace: llm
  replicas: 1
      app: llm-server
        app: llm-server
        name: llm-server
      - name: llm-server
        - containerPort: 8088
      - name: regcred

Ensure the imagePullSecrets section specifies the secret previously created, in this example, regcred.

Next, deploy the application to the K3s cluster using kubectl aliases:

kca llm-server.yaml


Step 4: Expose the llm-server Service in K3s

To make the llm-server accessible from outside the cluster, you need to expose the service. Below is a sample YAML for a NodePort service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: llm-server-svc
  namespace: llm
    app: llm-server
  type: NodePort
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8088
      nodePort: 30080

Save the YAML file and apply it to the K3s cluster:

kca llm-server-svc.yaml

The llm-server is now accessible on port 30080 of any Node IP in your K3s cluster. You can access it from your browser using the IP of one of the K3s nodes and the specified port:



And this is the application logs from portainer:


If you realise that you are not utilising the entire HDD, you may wish to extend it by:

sudo lvresize -l 100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv

With the optional step of pushing the Docker image to the K3s cluster’s local registry and deploying it in Kubernetes, you have a complete end-to-end workflow of containerizing, pushing, and deploying applications in your home lab’s K3s cluster.

This advanced technique allows for smooth and efficient management of your containerized applications, providing a robust platform for development and experimentation. Start your containerized journey in your K3s home lab today!