This post outlines the design and implementation of the Micronaut Optimizer framework, which solves combinatorial optimization problems like TSP and FLP. It details the architecture, key components, and the use of Flux and PublishSubject for real-time updates. The post also highlights planned enhancements, including additional solver integration, performance optimizations, visualization improvements, and architecture extensions. The complete implementation is available on GitHub, and contributions are welcome.
This post details the installation of MLflow and Kubeflow on a Talos HomeLab cluster. It covers the setup process, including Talos configuration, local-path and NFS provisioning, and Metallb installation. Step-by-step instructions are provided for deploying Kubeflow, followed by the installation of MLflow for managing the machine learning lifecycle. Finally, the post illustrates how to log experiments and models in MLflow and perform inference, demonstrating a seamless integration of these tools for enhanced machine learning operations.